@InProceedings{SKWa05, author = {M. Spaniol and R. Klamma and T. Waitz}, title = {{MECCA}-learn: {A} {C}ommunity {B}ased {C}ollaborative {C}ourse {M}anagement {S}ystem for {M}edia-rich {C}urricula in the {F}ilm {S}tudies}, booktitle = {Advances in Web-Based Learning, Proceedings of ICWL 2005, Hong Kong SAR, China, July 31 - August 3}, editor = {Lau, R. W. H. and Li, Q. and Cheung, R. and Liu, W.}, pages = {131--143}, year = 2005, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, series = {LNCS 3583}, address = {Berlin Heidelberg} }